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Create Listing Batch Errors
Alex Lv avatar
Written by Alex Lv
Updated over a week ago

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For listing creation batches you will see different errors. They will be pretty common also.
Here is a list of the most common errors and what they mean along with solutions for some of them.
If your error isn't on this list, please add it to the comments below so I can add it.

Blacklist validation
Category not found - Can't load image from remote server
Internal Error to the application
Listing already exists
PayPal added as a payment method because you have set your preference...
The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words...
The category selected is not a leaf category.
The package weight is not valid or is missing. Provide a valid number for the weight.
Please enter a valid postal code.

Blacklist validation failed with brand/keyword .....
This error is because something in the title or brand name of this listing has a keyword that has been added to your blacklist. You can go to Settings > VeRO Blacklist to find the entire list.
Here is a link to learn about VeRO.

Solution - Get an anchor store with eBay. Ebay will give you 48 hours notice to remove the "infringing images" without getting a strike against your account. People with anchor stores are much more successful at creating listings and avoiding suspensions. You'll still get VeROnotifications for violations they just usually don't hurt you. There are other benefits of an anchor store, you can read about those here.

Category not found
This is usually because the category from the source market doesn't have an exact match on eBay. Email the URL on that page to [email protected] please so we can try to fix it. - Can't load image from remote server
Email the URL on that page to [email protected] so we can see about getting it fixed.

Internal error to the application
Email the URL on that page to [email protected] so we can see about getting it fixed.
Solution - (usually works) Retry the the order using the "make order" basket button on the orders page.

Listing already exists
This should be easy enough to understand. If you have multiple stores connected we will apply this because eBay doesn't allow duplicate listings even across different stores.
If you have stealth accounts email us at [email protected] and we can see about disabling this for you.

PayPal added as a payment method because you have set your preference to offer PayPal on all listings
This needs to be fixed, if you see this error please email the URL on that page to [email protected]
Solution - (sometimes works) Please use this link and follow the steps, then try to create the listings again.

The item cannot be listed or modified. The title and/or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.
Two things can cause this we have found. Either your have reached your seller limits, or something in the source market doesn't comply with eBay such as a website URL is in the text.

Solution - If it was your seller limits for dollar amount then there are 2 options. You can just lower your repricing margins slightly; or you can go to your Easync listings page, click the Price button at the top of the Price column twice. This will sort your listings by most expensive at the top. Now delist your most expensive items to give you the most room for money without delisting a ton of listings. This saves you money from the insertion fees.

The category selected is not a leaf category.
The package weight is not valid or is missing. Provide a valid number for the weight.
Please enter a valid postal code.
This is a strange one. We have found these steps to work. Go to eBay and create a listing on your own without using Easync. See if you can do that first, if not then call eBay to help you fix any problems. If you can create one manually, then go back to Easync and try creating a listing again and see if that works. Please open a ticket if that doesn't work after those steps.

Again, If your error isn't on this list, please add it to the comments below so I can add it.

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