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How to file an eBay Counter Notice


Alex Lv avatar
Written by Alex Lv
Updated over a week ago

READ TIME: 70 seconds

This is very simple. I have an attached document that you can download here
Save it once, then update it with your correct info each time you need to file

A few disclaimers first... 

  1. You can't use a counter notice for Trademark violations

  2. You have to file a counter notice for each brand violation; even if eBay emails you about multiple brands in a single email, you can't file 1 counter notice on multiple brands

Here's a screen shot of an example TEMPLATE.

Notice I have information on here that wouldn't ever really change. Even my signature is part of my template
I leave my information that isn't going to change in my template.
Then when I get a violation, I just fill in the needed info.

Here's an example of a completed example

Notice the only difference in the 2 screenshots...

  1. Item IDs at the top

  2. The date just above my signature

I put 2 Item IDs in the top just to show you how you would do multiple listings. Just put each number separated by a comma and a space if you are doing more than one listing

A few important things to know

  1. Make sure the email and mailing address you put on the form matches what you have on file with eBay

  2. When you email this to eBay it needs to come from the email address eBay has on file for you. Don't try to send a counter notice from an email address that eBay doesn't recognize

Next, just email [email protected] and put something like Counter Notice in the subject/title.
Then attach your completed PDF to the email.
Then in the body of the email just write something like this:


Hi, I want to file a counter notice on the following listings for removal:

998877665544 - Title Of Super Cool Item For Sale On Ebay Free Shipping New
998877665545 - Title Of My Other Listing That Was Reported For Violation



Be sure you uploaded your completed PDF
That's it! You're done. Click send and you're good to go

Click here to download a blank form

In a few days you'll get an email from eBay about the fact that they've sent the counter notice
The email will look something like this

From: [email protected]

Dear <<username>>,

We wanted to let you know that we have sent the Counter Notice regarding the listing(s)
below to <<reporting party>>. They have until <<10 business days>> to file an action seeking a
court order to prohibit the reinstatement of the item. If you are not contacted by us or
served with a lawsuit by <<10 business days>>, we will reinstate the cancelled listings(s). You will then
be given 30 days to relist item(s) using the site's "relist this item" feature.

The item number(s) in question is:


Please note: the Counter Notice is specific to the listing(s) citied in this notice. Any
listings posted that do not follow the procedure described above will not be protected by
this Counter Notice.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)
eBay Inc


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